
Why Sorority and Fraternity Matters

by Lindsay Holdren

Why does fraternity & sorority matter?

That’s a loaded question, with a lot of answers. Fraternity & sorority means something different to each person that decides to join. When I searched #gogreek on social media, I looked at the first five posts (there were tons more, trust me) from strangers on the internet who shared why fraternity and sorority matters.

They said…

  • It matters because it is a place of love and encouragement.
  • It matters because of its historical significance.
  • It matters because of the friendships made.
  • It matters because it made them a leader.
  • It matters because of * insert the name of a human that is their person and helped  in a tough situation.*

I’m sure I could go on and on with reason after reason of why fraternity and sorority matters. I should put up a question box on my Instagram story right now to see what people would say!! But, I think that is what makes fraternity and sorority special: it matters because of so many reasons, to so many people.

Usually, words have one meaning, right? For example, the word sweatshirt means a loose heavy shirt, typically made of cotton, worn when exercising or as leisurewear. Right. Got it.

But then you have words like, family, pet, and home. These words hold so much more meaning than just “sweatshirt” AND they mean something different to everyone. When I think of the words fraternity and sorority those words hold so much meaning, to so many people, for so many reasons.

Because I think fraternity and sorority is special. I think it has a really cool place in this world. For me, I think fraternity and sorority is a connection to so much more. There are two core reasons, for me, that fraternity and sorority matters.

1 – Fraternity and sorority matters because it helps people connect to other people.

Fraternity and sorority matters because of the people that choose to join and stay in our organizations. Gosh, the power that relationships hold is truly incredible. Fraternity and sorority matters because it can be the place that people can go to find community, to find a friend, and to build relationships. Everyone needs human connection, and fraternities and sororities were created to gather people together.

2 – Fraternity and sorority matters because it helps people become better people.

Fraternity and sorority matters because the people that join have opportunities to grow, develop, and become better leaders and members of society. Our organizations have expectations for membership and through those expectations individuals learn to grow personally and professionally. Fraternity and sorority helps a college student discover confidence. It teaches a college student how to be a leader. Fraternity and sorority facilitates personal growth.

I believe fraternity and sorority matters. It matters for all the reasons I found on social media, AND, for me, it matters because…

1 – It helps people connect to other people. 

2 – It helps people become better people.

I believe fraternity and sorority has a place in this world. I believe it matters. How does it matter to you? Let me know by sending me an email at Lindsay@PhiredUp.com!