Choose Inspiration

by Matt Mattson

inspirational-images-1So, what does 2012 hold for you?

Some will answer that question with a factual statement.  Some will answer that question with a big fat “No idea.”  Some will answer that question with a concession statement to the misery of their life.  Others though…

Others will share a dream.  Others will tap into our imagination. Others will dwell in possibility.  Others will resolve to do something important–something remarkable.

The New Year is like that.

So, what do you do? (asked of an individual or an organization).

Some will answer that question with a factual statement that informs.  Some will answer that question with a fumbling response that confuses.  Some will answer that question with a defeated scowl and a complaint about what keeps them from doing anything.  Others though…

Others will inspire. Others will tap into our deepest aspirations.  Others will intoxicate us with potential.  Others will disorient us with possibilities.

Will you be some people or the others?  Will you inform or inspire?

As you try to attract others to your cause, choose the magic of inspiration over information from the very first encounter.

This blog was inspired by this post from Seth Godin and a fun Email exchange this morning with my friend Alex Koehler.